Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

My Boss's Daughter Dimension Films presents a Gil Netter production, a John Jacobs production ; produced by Gil Netter, John Jacobs ; written by David Dorfman ; directed by David Zucker. - Widescreen (1.85:1) presentation. - United States Burbank, Calif. Dimension Home Video Distributed by Buena Visa Home Entertainment 2004, 2003 - 1 videodisc (approximately 86 min.) sound, color 4 3/4 in

Special features: Outtakes -- Behind-the-scenes special "A look behind "My Boss's Daughter" -- Tara Reid audition.

Tom Stansfield thinks he is going out on a date with Lisa, the daughter of tyranical boss, Mr. Taylor - but in fact, he has just unknowingly agreed to housesit the boss's house. The house is loaded with antiques, a cash-filled safe, and a depressed owl. Unfortunately for Tom, everything goes awry, starting with the owl escaping and ending with a drug-dealing thug getting buried in the backyard.

MPAA rating: PG-13; for crude and sex-related humor, drug content and language.

English or dubbed French; Spanish subtitles; Closed-captioned

8693623820 9780788851087

33545 Dimension Home Video

Man-woman relationships--Drama
Criminal behavior--Drama

PN1997.2 / .M99 2004

My 35