Guglielmo, Amy
How to Build a Hug Temple Grandin and Her Amazing Squeeze Machine Amy Guglielmo and Jacqueline Tourville ; illustrated by Giselle Potter. - New York, New York Atheneum Books for Young Readers 2018 - 1 volume (unpaged) color illustrations 29 cm
Presents the story of Grandin's "squeeze machine," describing her childhood love of building and design, as well as her sensitivities.
Age 4-8. K to Grade 3.
Grandin, Temple--Juvenile literature.
Animal scientists--United States
Autism spectrum disorders--Treatment
Animal scientists.
United States.
RC553.A88 / G84 2018
j616.85 Gug 16
WS 350.8.P4
How to Build a Hug Temple Grandin and Her Amazing Squeeze Machine Amy Guglielmo and Jacqueline Tourville ; illustrated by Giselle Potter. - New York, New York Atheneum Books for Young Readers 2018 - 1 volume (unpaged) color illustrations 29 cm
Presents the story of Grandin's "squeeze machine," describing her childhood love of building and design, as well as her sensitivities.
Age 4-8. K to Grade 3.
Grandin, Temple--Juvenile literature.
Animal scientists--United States
Autism spectrum disorders--Treatment
Animal scientists.
United States.
RC553.A88 / G84 2018
j616.85 Gug 16
WS 350.8.P4