Stedman, Myrtle
Adobe remodeling Myrtle Stedman - Santa Fe, New Mexico Sunstone Press 1976 - 31 p
In one volume clear and thorough instructions on remodeling adobe houses plus how to build an adobe fireplace. Illustrations and practical instructions make working from this book a pleasure. Designed for use by the most inexperienced person as well as the professional builder. Based on 48 years of the author's experience.
9780913270547 0913270547
Domestic Building
Conservation and restoration Architecture
Adobe Architectural drawings
728.64 Ste 46
Adobe remodeling Myrtle Stedman - Santa Fe, New Mexico Sunstone Press 1976 - 31 p
In one volume clear and thorough instructions on remodeling adobe houses plus how to build an adobe fireplace. Illustrations and practical instructions make working from this book a pleasure. Designed for use by the most inexperienced person as well as the professional builder. Based on 48 years of the author's experience.
9780913270547 0913270547
Domestic Building
Conservation and restoration Architecture
Adobe Architectural drawings
728.64 Ste 46