Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Churchill, Winston S.

Closing the Ring Winston S. Churchill - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1951 - 749 p - His The Second World War v. 5 .

Includes index.

The command of the seas, Guadalcanal and New Guinea --
The conquest of Sicily, July and August 1943 --
The fall of Mussolini --
Westward ho? synthetic harbours --
The Quebec Conference quadrant --
Italy: the armistice --
At the White House again, the invasion of Italy --
The Battle of Salerno, a homeward voyage --
A spell at home --
Tensions with General de Gaulle --
The broken Axis, Autumn 1943 --
Island prizes lost --
Hitler's secret weapon --
Deadlock on the Third Front --
Arctic convoys again --
Foreign secretaries' conference in Moscow --
Advent of the triple meeting --
Cairo --
Teheran: th opening --
Cairo again: the high command --
In Carthage ruins Azio --
At Marrakesh convalescence --
Marshal Tito and Yugoslavia --
The Anzio stroke --
Italy:Cassino --
The mounting air offensive --
The Greek torment --
Burma and beyond --
Strategy against Japan --
Preparations for "Overlord" --
Rome --
On the eve.

Covers the beginning of the summer of 1943 to the evening of June 5, 1943 with the great armada waiting for the historic landing on June 6.


Churchill, Winston 1874-1965

--Great Britain--1939-1945--1943-1947
History --Italy--1943-1947

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