Moorhead, Max L.
The Apache frontier Jacobo Ugarte and Spanish-Indian relations in northern New Spain, 1769-1791 by Max L. Moorhead; - Norman, Oklahoma Univ. of OK Press 1968 - 309 p.
Includes Index
When the tide of Spanish settlement in America reached the range of the Apache nation, it was abruptly halted. For two centuries marauding Apaches baffled the defending Spanish troops and exacted a fearful toll from the terrorized colonists.
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, -1798.
Apache Indians--Wars
Mexico --History--Spanish colony--1540-1810
972.102 Moo / 48
972.102 Moo
The Apache frontier Jacobo Ugarte and Spanish-Indian relations in northern New Spain, 1769-1791 by Max L. Moorhead; - Norman, Oklahoma Univ. of OK Press 1968 - 309 p.
Includes Index
When the tide of Spanish settlement in America reached the range of the Apache nation, it was abruptly halted. For two centuries marauding Apaches baffled the defending Spanish troops and exacted a fearful toll from the terrorized colonists.
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, -1798.
Apache Indians--Wars
Mexico --History--Spanish colony--1540-1810
972.102 Moo / 48
972.102 Moo