Corwin, Norman frey50
Holes in a stained glass window Norman Corwin - Secaucus, New Jersey Lyle Stuart Inc. 1978 - 272 p.
On Writers and Writing Miracles and Demons Media, Equicokes, Snobs, Piffle Jerusalem Printout
Of Chaucer, Milton, and Skywriting- Dear Sir or Madam- Wanted: Phrasemakers- Memento- Truth as a fraciton- Imperishable Spaniard- Lyrics, Yeah- the few appropriate remarks- Harmless affairs- Mailbox on Mars- Options on a good book- Taking Credit- Broun- Avast, Ye groaners! Prayer for the 70s- Visit from a demon Very nice, very nice- More Fun than Fun- The Iron Bed- Bores- In Praise of Images- $elebrity- Can the Laughter- Fire, Blood, Passion- O Death, where is thy yuk?- Houses of Art- The Poor Aristocrats- Et Tu, Dali- The Interview- Fantasy in the Arts- Boston- The Docudramatelementary- C & C- The Persuit of th pursuit of happiness- Fragging and Bragging- Piffle- Smith and the snobs- ?Beisbol, Anyone?- Of prunes and percuasion- Tough Guys- Eternal Triangle: Sex, Art, adn the Establishment- Around the Horn Jerusalem Printout
American Poetry
811.52 Cor 14
Holes in a stained glass window Norman Corwin - Secaucus, New Jersey Lyle Stuart Inc. 1978 - 272 p.
On Writers and Writing Miracles and Demons Media, Equicokes, Snobs, Piffle Jerusalem Printout
Of Chaucer, Milton, and Skywriting- Dear Sir or Madam- Wanted: Phrasemakers- Memento- Truth as a fraciton- Imperishable Spaniard- Lyrics, Yeah- the few appropriate remarks- Harmless affairs- Mailbox on Mars- Options on a good book- Taking Credit- Broun- Avast, Ye groaners! Prayer for the 70s- Visit from a demon Very nice, very nice- More Fun than Fun- The Iron Bed- Bores- In Praise of Images- $elebrity- Can the Laughter- Fire, Blood, Passion- O Death, where is thy yuk?- Houses of Art- The Poor Aristocrats- Et Tu, Dali- The Interview- Fantasy in the Arts- Boston- The Docudramatelementary- C & C- The Persuit of th pursuit of happiness- Fragging and Bragging- Piffle- Smith and the snobs- ?Beisbol, Anyone?- Of prunes and percuasion- Tough Guys- Eternal Triangle: Sex, Art, adn the Establishment- Around the Horn Jerusalem Printout
American Poetry
811.52 Cor 14