Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Aldous Huxley: a collection of critical essays edited by Robert E. Kuehn - Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc 1974 - 188 pages

Includes bibliography

Aldous Huxley and the novel of ideas / by Frederick J. Hoffman -- Critical symposium on Aldous Huxey, The London Magazine (1955) / by Evelyn Waugh [and others] -- Aldous Huxley's intellectual zoo / by Sanford E. Marovitz -- Aldous Huxley's quest for values: a study in religious syncretism / by Milton Birnbaum -- Early poetry of Aldous Huxley / by Charles M. Holmes -- Counterpoint of flight: Huxley's early novels / by Jerome Meckier -- Music of humanity: Point Counter Point / by Peter Firchow -- Eyeless in Gaza / by Peter Bowering -- Later novels of Huxley / by Joseph Bentley -- Huxley as biographer: Grey Eminence and The Devils of Loudun / by Harold H. Watts -- Vision and symbol in Aldous Huxley's Island / by Donald J. Watt.

Critical essays examine the impact and influence of Huxley's early novels and poems and explore the later stages of his career.



Huxley, Aldous 1894-1963 Criticism and interpretation

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