Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Porter, William Sidneyfrey50enry)

Collected stories of O. Henry William Sidney Porter aka O'Henry; Edited by Paul J. Horowitz - New York Avenel Books 1979 - 843 p.

Includes Index

tictocq -- tracked to doom -- a snapshot at the president -- aristocracy versus hash -- the prisioner of zembla -- a strange story -- bexar scrip no. 2692 -- a lunar episode -- an apology -- nothing new under the sun -- a new microbe -- jack the giant killer -- paderewski's hair -- binkley's pratical school of journalism -- simmon's saturday night -- the legend of san jacinto -- in mezzotint -- how willie saved father -- a strange case -- vereton villa -- the dissipated jeweler -- an unknown romance -- the pint flask -- how she got in the swim -- an odd character -- the barber talks -- barber shop adventure -- last fall of the alamo -- the miracle of lava canyon -- whistling dick's christmas stocking -- georgia's ruling -- the proem -- fox in the morning -- smith -- caught -- two rascale -- a blackjack bargainer -- bulger's friend -- the flag paramount -- the lotos and the bottle -- the passing of black eagle -- friends in santa rosario -- the marionettes -- his courier -- madame bo peep of the ranches -- an afternoon miracle -- the struggle of the outliers -- a professional ecret -- the renaissance at charleroi -- a departmental cse -- the guardian of the scutcheon -- round the circle -- the cactus -- hearts and hands -- a ghost of a chance -- art and the bronco -- hygeia at the solito -- the phonograph and the graft -- cherchez la femme -- the shamrock and the palm -- sound and fury -- roads to destiny -- the robe of peace -- one dollar's worth -- aretrieved reform -- while the auto waits -- october and june -- the marquis and miss sally -- out of nazareth -- the atavism of john tom little bear -- a call loan -- jimmy hayes and muriel -- the whirligig of life -- the fourth in salvador -- tobin's palm -- masters of arts -- the lonesome road -- at arms with morpheus -- confessions of a humorist -- the lotus and the cockleburrs -- the point of the story -- the princess and the puma -- a chaparral christmas story -- the pimienta pancakes -- the sphinx apple -- the elusive tenderloin -- the social tirangle -- a chaparral prince -- the ferry of unfulfillment -- transformation of martin burney -- a little local color -- a newspaper story -- a madison square arabian night -- the champion of the weather -- the enchanted kiss -- on behalf of the management -- the adventures of shamrock jolnes -- after twenty years -- the sparrows in madison square -- lost on dress parade -- witches' loaves -- new york by camp fire light -- the romance of busy broker -- a matter of mean elevation -- the brief debut of tidy -- hollding up the train -- the easter of the soul -- ulysses and the dogman -- the complete life of john hopkins -- the caliph and the cad -- the door of unrest -- the emancipation of billy -- a harlem tragedy -- dinner for two -- the rubber plant's story -- the gold that glittered -- a lickpenny lover -- a dinner at -- the missing chord -- one thousand dollars -- katy of the flagmore flats -- a comedy in rubber -- the defaet of the story -- the pride of the cities -- the greater coney -- transients in arcadia -- the lady higher up -- te foreign policy of company 99 -- a tempered wind -- two renegades -- the roads we take -- the furnished room -- a philistine in bohemia -- the diamond of kali -- a little talk about mobs -- suite homes and their romance -- the caliph cupid and the clock -- makes the whole world kin -- the love philtre of ikey schoenstein -- the rathskiller and the rose -- a sacrifice hit -- the sleuths -- from the cabby's seat -- the comming out of maggie -- squaring the circle -- hearts and crosses -- the cop and the anthem -- christmas by injunction -- the green door -- the church with an overshot wheel -- the badge of policeman o'roon -- raggles of the making of a new yorker -- a service of love -- psyche and the pskyscraper -- a comopolite in a cafe -- the girl and the habit -- a ramble in aphasia -- the unknown quantity -- babes in the jungle -- man about town -- memoirs of a yellow dog -- mammon and the archer -- the detective detector -- springtime a la carte -- extradited from bohemia -- the shocks of doom -- between rounds -- tommy's burgular -- the marry month of may -- the girl and the graft -- the call of the tame -- according to our lights -- roses ruses and romance -- the voice of the city -- hostages to momus -- sisters of the golden circle -- the dog and the playlet -- an adjustment of nature -- the lost blend -- an unfinished story -- the city of dreadful night -- the skylight room -- the little white man of morley -- the poet and the peasant -- the bird of bagdad -- the plutonian fire -- the guilty party -- the count and the wedding guest -- the last leaf -- elise in new york -- the clarion call -- the purple dress -- the tale of a tainted tenner -- two thanksgiving day gentlemen -- blind man's holiday -- the double dyed deceiver -- telemachus friend -- gifts of the magi -- the duel -- the thing's the play -- the rubaiyat of a scotch highball -- the buyer from cactus city -- the harbinger -- the day resurgent -- fool kiler -- handbook of hymen -- brickdust row -- sociology in serge and straw -- girl -- a ruler of men -- the trimmed lamp -- calloway's code -- index of stories.

Collection of 212 of O. Henry's stories.


Short Stories

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