MacDonald, Betty
Onions in the stew. Betty MacDonald - Philadelphia J. B. Lippincott Company 1955 - 256 p.
The island of Vashon is in Puget Sound off Seattle, and is famous for its gooseberries, goat's milk, butter clams and orchids, and most of all the JMacDonald family - Betty with husband Don and her bevy of teenage daughters (only Two, but they sometimes seem like 10). The author's family's life on Vashon Island.
MacDonald, Betty Bard Homes and haunts --Washington (State) Vashon
Social life and customs--Vashon Island (Wash.)
Intellectual life --Washington (State)--20th century
Authors, American --20th century
973.9092 Mac 15
Onions in the stew. Betty MacDonald - Philadelphia J. B. Lippincott Company 1955 - 256 p.
The island of Vashon is in Puget Sound off Seattle, and is famous for its gooseberries, goat's milk, butter clams and orchids, and most of all the JMacDonald family - Betty with husband Don and her bevy of teenage daughters (only Two, but they sometimes seem like 10). The author's family's life on Vashon Island.
MacDonald, Betty Bard Homes and haunts --Washington (State) Vashon
Social life and customs--Vashon Island (Wash.)
Intellectual life --Washington (State)--20th century
Authors, American --20th century
973.9092 Mac 15