Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Chamber's Encyclopedia a dictionary of universal knowledge for the people : with maps and numerous wood engravings. - New York Collier 1890 - 760 p. - Chambers's Encyclopedia 8 Volumes Volume IV .

Spain and Portugal
Sweden and Norway
Turkey in Europe, Greece, Roumania, Servia, Motenegro, Bulgaria
Turkey in Asia

Volume 1 - A to Borassus
Volume 2 - Borax to Darnetal
Volume 3 - Darnley to Fyzabad
Volume 4 - G to Kidneys
Volume 5 - Kidron to Ox-Eye
Volume 6 - Oxford to Ruvigado
Volume 7 - Ruvo in Apulia to Umbilicus
Volume 8 - Umbrella to Zunz


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