Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

1984 Revisited Totalitarianism in our century Nineteen eighty-four edited by Irving Howe - New York Harper & Row, Publishers 1983 - 276 p.

pt. 1. The book and the writer: 1984: enigmas of power / Irving Howe -- The fate of 1984 / Mark Crispin Miller -- "The golden country": sex and love in 1984 / Elaine Hoffman Baruch -- Orwell and the English language / Bernard Avishai -- 1984 on Staten Island / Luther P. Carpenter -- pt. 2. Ideas: Does big brother really exist? / Robert C. Tucker -- On "failed totalitarianism" / Michael Walzer -- Totalitarianism and the virtue of the lie / Leszel Kolakowski -- The disintegration of Leninist totalitarianism / Milovan Djilas -- 1984: decade of the experts? / Johanno Strasser -- 1984 -the ingredients of totalitarianism / James B. Rule -- 1984 and the conservative imagination / Robert Nisbet -- pt. 3. History: Beyond totalitarianism / Richard Lowenthal.

Essays analyze the concept of totalitarianism in George Orwell's novel, 1984, and examine the political issues raised by the book.



Orwell, George 1903-1950 Nineteen eighty-four

Totalitarianism and literature
Dystopias in literature

823.912 198 14