20160731 frey50
Major British Writers Volume 1 Edited by G. B. Harrison - Enlarged Edition - New York Harcourt, Brace and Company 1959 - 991 p. - Major British Writers V. 1 .
Includes Indexes
Includes Chaucer; Spenser; Shakespeare; Bacon; Donne; Milton; Dryden; Swift; Pope; Johnson; Boswell.
English Literture--Authors, British
820.82 Maj 14
Major British Writers Volume 1 Edited by G. B. Harrison - Enlarged Edition - New York Harcourt, Brace and Company 1959 - 991 p. - Major British Writers V. 1 .
Includes Indexes
Includes Chaucer; Spenser; Shakespeare; Bacon; Donne; Milton; Dryden; Swift; Pope; Johnson; Boswell.
English Literture--Authors, British
820.82 Maj 14