Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

The Best Plays of 1955-1956 Edited by Kronenberger, Louis; Illustrated by Hirschfeld - New York Dodd, Mead & Company 1956 - 472 p - the Burns Mantle yearbook .

Includes Index

Includes index. Contains abridged versions of the following plays: View from the bridge, by A. Miller; Tiger at the gates, by J. Giraudoux; Diary of Anne Frank, by F. Goodrich and A. Hackett; No time for sergeants, by I. Levin; Chalk garden, by E. Bagnold; The lark, by J. Anouilh (adapted by Lillian Hellman); The matchmaker, by T. Wilder; The ponder heart, by J. Fields and J. Chodorov; My fair lady, by A.J. Lerner (music by Frederick Loewe); Waiting for Godot, by S. Beckett; Divided in the following sections; Summaries of the seasons; The season in pictures; Ten best plays; Plays produced in New York; Facts and figures; indexes: Authors and playwrights; Plays and casts; Producers, directors, designers, stage managers, composers, choreographers.

A view from the bridge / by Arthur Miller --
Tiger at the gates / by Jean Giraudoux ; translated by Christopher Fry --
The diary of Anne Frank / dramatized by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett --
No time for sergeants / by Ira Levin ; adapted from the novel by Mac Hyman --
The chalk garden / by Enid Bagnold --
The lark / by Jean Anouilh ; adapted by Lillian Hellman --
The matchmaker : a farce in two acts / by Thornton Wilder --
The ponder heart / by Joseph Fields and Jerome Chodorov ; adapted from Eudora Welty's story of the same name --
My fair lady / adapted from Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion ; book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner ; music by Frederick Loewe --
Waiting for Godot : a tragi-comedy in two acts / by Samuel Beckett.



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