Menen, Aubrey frey50
Dead man in the silver market by Aubrey Menen - New York Charles Scibner's sons 1953 - 203 p.
Prologue; How I was initiated into the best tribe; My grandmother and the dirty english; I am offered a magic potion; A short guide to the English Oligarchy; I am put into the wrong herd; The happy land; I make an unhappy prince still more unhappy; The dead man in the silver market; The last Nabob; Fakirs--Then and now; Gardening notes; An answer; An epilogue in warning
Menen, Aubrey
828 Men 14
Dead man in the silver market by Aubrey Menen - New York Charles Scibner's sons 1953 - 203 p.
Prologue; How I was initiated into the best tribe; My grandmother and the dirty english; I am offered a magic potion; A short guide to the English Oligarchy; I am put into the wrong herd; The happy land; I make an unhappy prince still more unhappy; The dead man in the silver market; The last Nabob; Fakirs--Then and now; Gardening notes; An answer; An epilogue in warning
Menen, Aubrey
828 Men 14