L'Amour, Louis
Last of the breed Louis L'Amour - Bantam 1986 - 357 p
After U.S. Air Force Major Joe Mack is forced down in Russia and later escapes from a Soviet prison camp, he calls upon the skills of his Sioux Indian forebears to evade Alekhin, the Yakut native and legendary tracker, on his trail
Indians of North America
L'Am 32
Last of the breed Louis L'Amour - Bantam 1986 - 357 p
After U.S. Air Force Major Joe Mack is forced down in Russia and later escapes from a Soviet prison camp, he calls upon the skills of his Sioux Indian forebears to evade Alekhin, the Yakut native and legendary tracker, on his trail
Indians of North America
L'Am 32