Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Richardson, Robert D. frey50

Henry Thoreau: A Life of The Mind / Robert D. Richardson Jr.; Designed and illustrated by Barry Moser - Berkeley University of California Press 1986 - 455 p.

Includes Index

1837 Return to Concord -- 1838-1840 The ethical imperatives to transcendentalism -- 1841-1843 American reformation -- 1843-1845 The road to Walden Pond -- 1846-1849 The profession of letters -- 1849-1851 The language of the leopard -- 1851-1852 New books, new worlds -- 1852-1854 Walden, or the triumph of the organic -- 1854-1862 The economy of nature.

Offers a view of Thoreau's life and his extraordinary achievement in their nineteenth-century context.


Thoreau, Henry David 1817-1862 Biography

Authors, American Biography --19th Century

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