Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Facts & fallacies Reader's Digest Facts & Fallacies Reader's Digest Association, Inc. - New York Reader's Dig. Assoc. 1988 - 448 p.

Includes index.

Part 1.
Wonders of the natural world
The surprising animal kingdom
The Astonishing human body
Part 2:
Feats of building and engineering
Amazing Inventions
Marvels of science
The numbers game
Part 3.
Oddities and eccentricities
What's in a word?
Unusual ideas, Unusual customs
The good and the bad
Fortune and misfortune
Part 4
Intriguing and unsolved mysteries
Footsteps into the unknown
Part 5
The Enigma of space
The world tomorrow

401 stories which sift through the implausible, the unlikely and the bizarre to reveal the bare facts. This book takes a look at the truths and the misconceptions surrounding the natural and the supernatural world, its past, present and future. Who was the real Robin Hood? Do trees talk? Why are some whales suicidal? Does spinach make you strong? Is the sun going out? Did Jesus ever visit England? Every one of these mysteries and many more are solved in this book.


Curiosities and wonders
Reference Books

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