Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The Faber book of 20th Century Verse edited by John Heath-Stubbs & David Wright - Boston, Massachusetts Faber and Faber 1975 - 347 pages

Includes index

Introduction; Note to the Third Edition; L. Aaronson; Lascelles Abercrombie; Dannie Abse; Drummond Allison; W.H. Auden; Gavin Bantock; George Barker; William Bell; Frances Bellerby; John Betjerman; Laurence Binyon; Thomas Blackburn; Edmund Blunden; Wilfrid Scawen Blunt; Robert Bridges; Rupert Brooke; George Mackay Brown; Basil Bunting; Norman Cameron; Roy Campbell; Maurice Carpenter; Charles Causley; G.k. Chesterton; Jack Clemo; A.E. Coppard; Anthony Cronin; John Davidson; Donald Davie; W.H. Davies; Walter de la Mare; C.M. Doughty; Keith Douglas; Lawrence Durrell; T.S. Eliot; William Empson; Anne Finch; James Elroy Flecker; David Gascoyne; Wilfrid Gibson; W.S. Graham; Robert Graves; Thom Gunn; Ivor Gurney; Thomas Hardy; Tony Harrison; Seamus Heaney; Thomas Hennell; Rayner Heppenstall; Brian Higgins; Geoffrey Hill; Ralph Hodgson; A.E. Housman; Ted Hughes; David Jones; James Joyce; Patrick Kavanagh; Sidney Keyes; Rudyard Kipling; James Kirkup; Philip Larkin; D.H. Lawrence; Laurie Lee; Peter Levi; Alun Lewis; C. Day Lewis; Wyndham Lewis; Malcolm Lowry; Norman MacCaig; Hugh MacDiarmid; Patrick Macdonogh; Louis MacNiece; John Masefield; Christopher Middleton; Adrian Mitchell; Harold Monro; T. Sturge Moore; Edwin Morgan; Richard Murphy; Edwin Muir; Henry Newbolt; Robert Nichols; Norman Nicholson; John Ormond; Wilfred Owen; Herbert Palmer; Clere Parsons; Brian Pattern; Tom Pickard; Ruth Pitter; Sylvia Plath; William Plomer; Paul Potts; Ezra Pound; F.T. Prince; Kathleen Raine; Herbert Read; Edgell Rickwood; Anne Ridler; Michael Roberts; W.R. Rodgers; Isaac Rosenberg; Siegfried Sassoon; Martin Seymour-Smith; John Short; James Burns Singer; C.H. Sisson; Edith Sitwell; Iain Crichton Smith; Stevie Smith; Sydney Goodsir Smith; Bernard Spencer; Stephen Spender; J.C. Squire;Arthur Symons; Dylan Thomas; Edward Thomas; R.S. Thomas; Terence Tiller; Charles Tomlinson; W.J. Turner; Dorothy Wellesley; Vernon Watkins;Anna Wickham; Charles Williams; W.B. Yeats; Andrew Young; Acknowledgements; Index of first lines


English poetry --20th century

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