Tanner, Clara Lee
Indian baskets of the Southwest Clara Lee Tanner - Tucson, Arizona University of Arizona 1983 - 242 p.
Describes the differences among contemporary baskets of the Hopis, Pimas, Papagos, Yumas, Navagjos, Utes, Paiutes, Chemehuevis, and Apaches
Indians of North America--Basket--Southwest; New
746.41208997078 Tan 46
Indian baskets of the Southwest Clara Lee Tanner - Tucson, Arizona University of Arizona 1983 - 242 p.
Describes the differences among contemporary baskets of the Hopis, Pimas, Papagos, Yumas, Navagjos, Utes, Paiutes, Chemehuevis, and Apaches
Indians of North America--Basket--Southwest; New
746.41208997078 Tan 46