Peckham, Stewart
From this earth : the ancient art of Pueblo pottery Stewart Peckham and Mary Peck - Santa Fe, New Mexico Santa Fe Museum of N 1990 - 169 p
Follows pottery making traditions from the earliest utility wares of the Mogollon and Anasazi Indians to the early and spectacular pictorial styles of the Mimbres pots and the mineral, vegetal, and glaze-paint traditions that began to emerge around A.D. 500
9780890132043 97808901320
Pueblo Indians
Pueblo Pottery--New Southwest
738.3 Pec 46
From this earth : the ancient art of Pueblo pottery Stewart Peckham and Mary Peck - Santa Fe, New Mexico Santa Fe Museum of N 1990 - 169 p
Follows pottery making traditions from the earliest utility wares of the Mogollon and Anasazi Indians to the early and spectacular pictorial styles of the Mimbres pots and the mineral, vegetal, and glaze-paint traditions that began to emerge around A.D. 500
9780890132043 97808901320
Pueblo Indians
Pueblo Pottery--New Southwest
738.3 Pec 46