Santiago : saint of two worlds.
by Marc Simmons, Donna Pierce and Joan Myers; Photography by Joan Myers
- Albuquerque, NM Univ. of NM Press 1991
- 73 p.
Santiago: reality and myth / Marc Simmons --
Santiago through the centuries in art / Donna Pierce --
A pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela / Joan Myers.
This exhibition catalogue is devoted to the history and contemporary presence of St. James, or Santiago as he is called in Spanish, whose exploits continue to be celebrated in Spain and the United States. Joan Myers has photographed the route in Spain, showing us both the landscape through which the route passes and the details of architecture and sculptures along the way. She also includes photographs showing Santiago as he is depicted in the New World in sculpture, painting, crafts, and ritual. Marc Simmons examines Santiago's manifestations in the New World, and Donna Pierce writes about the art historical significance of Santiago in Spain.--Adapted from jacket flap.
James, the Greater, --Pictorial works--Saint Cult --Spain
Santiago deo Compostela (Spain)--Description
Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages.
946.11 San 15
Santiago: reality and myth / Marc Simmons --
Santiago through the centuries in art / Donna Pierce --
A pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela / Joan Myers.
This exhibition catalogue is devoted to the history and contemporary presence of St. James, or Santiago as he is called in Spanish, whose exploits continue to be celebrated in Spain and the United States. Joan Myers has photographed the route in Spain, showing us both the landscape through which the route passes and the details of architecture and sculptures along the way. She also includes photographs showing Santiago as he is depicted in the New World in sculpture, painting, crafts, and ritual. Marc Simmons examines Santiago's manifestations in the New World, and Donna Pierce writes about the art historical significance of Santiago in Spain.--Adapted from jacket flap.
James, the Greater, --Pictorial works--Saint Cult --Spain
Santiago deo Compostela (Spain)--Description
Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages.
946.11 San 15