Williams, Neville
All the Queen's men Elizabeth I and her courtiers Neville Williams - New York MacMillan Company 1972 - 272 p
Sketches the lives of the men who surrounded Queen Elizabeth at court and vied for her attentions.
Elizabeth I, Queen of England 1533-1603 Relations with courts and courtiers
Court and courtiers --Great Britain--16th century
Relations with courts and courtiers
Courts and courtiers
942.0550922 Wil 15
All the Queen's men Elizabeth I and her courtiers Neville Williams - New York MacMillan Company 1972 - 272 p
Sketches the lives of the men who surrounded Queen Elizabeth at court and vied for her attentions.
Elizabeth I, Queen of England 1533-1603 Relations with courts and courtiers
Court and courtiers --Great Britain--16th century
Relations with courts and courtiers
Courts and courtiers
942.0550922 Wil 15