Witt, David L.
Taos moderns : art of the new David L. Witt - Santa Fe, New Mexico Red Crane Books 1992 - 120 p
"This study focuses on those artists who created a substantial body of work in Taos between the mid-1940s and the early 1960s. Sixty or more artists who identified themselves as modernists, or as being influenced by modernism in art, lived in Taos during this period. A representative group of them are featured in this book"
Art, American--Taos, New Mexico
Art, Modern--Taos, New Mexico--20th century
Artist--Biography--Taos, New Mexico
759.189 Wit 46
Taos moderns : art of the new David L. Witt - Santa Fe, New Mexico Red Crane Books 1992 - 120 p
"This study focuses on those artists who created a substantial body of work in Taos between the mid-1940s and the early 1960s. Sixty or more artists who identified themselves as modernists, or as being influenced by modernism in art, lived in Taos during this period. A representative group of them are featured in this book"
Art, American--Taos, New Mexico
Art, Modern--Taos, New Mexico--20th century
Artist--Biography--Taos, New Mexico
759.189 Wit 46