Twentieth century authors, first supplement: A biographical dictionary of modern literature / Print Stanley J. Kunitz, editor - New York H. W. Wilson Company 1959 (1955) - 1123 p. Hardback book. - The Authors Series .
The summary below was taken from the introductory pages of this volume.
"This supplement contains 700 new biographies, 670 with portraits, mostly of authors who have come into prominence since 1942, although with the inclusion of a small number of authors whose omission from the earlier volumes of Twentieth Century Authors it has seemed advisable to rectify. The total listing of approximately 2550 names is to be found in this Supplement, incorporated into a single alphabe. When the main sketch of an author is located in the original volume, that circumstance is clearly indicated. In this second printing, two steps have been taken: 1) a necrology of authors who have died since the first printing of the book in 1955 or whose deaths at earlier dates had not been noted has been added; 2)In the text itself we have made certain corrections of fact, brought to our attention by the subjects themselves or by readers."
Authors.--Reference material--United States.--Biographies.
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