Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Tripp, Valerie

Happy Birthday, Felicity! A Springtime Story Valerie Tripp ; illustrations, Dan Andreasen ; vignettes, Luann Roberts, Keith Skeen. - Middleton, WI Pleasant Co. 1992 - 69 p. col. ill. 22 cm. - American Girls Collection Book 4 .

"Book 4." "Ages 7 and up"--Cover p. [4].

As her tenth birthday approaches, Felicity is excited by her grandfather's visit, but she is also concerned about the growing tensions between the colonists and the British governor in Williamsburg.

9781562470319 9781562470326

91033527 /AC/r96

Family Life--Fiction

Virginia--Social life and customs--Fiction.--ca. 1600-1775
Williamsburg (Va.)--Fiction.

PZ7.T7363 / Han 1992

jTri 17