Horton, Casey. frey50
Ocean life / Casey Horton. - Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1997. - 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. - Under the microscope .
Includes index
Presents the tiny creatures floating in the ocean, the sparkling eyes of a scallop, and other microscopic marvels of the sea.
0836816064 (lib. bdg.)
96034481 /AC
Marine animals--Juvenile literature.
Marine plants--Juvenile literature.
Microscopy--Juvenile literature.
Marine animals.
Marine plants.
j591.92 Hor 25
Ocean life / Casey Horton. - Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1997. - 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. - Under the microscope .
Includes index
Presents the tiny creatures floating in the ocean, the sparkling eyes of a scallop, and other microscopic marvels of the sea.
0836816064 (lib. bdg.)
96034481 /AC
Marine animals--Juvenile literature.
Marine plants--Juvenile literature.
Microscopy--Juvenile literature.
Marine animals.
Marine plants.
j591.92 Hor 25