Marshall, John B.
Golden treasures of the San Juan John B. Marshall and Temple H. Cornelius - Denver, CO Sage Books 1961 - 235 p
The lost Lone Wold Mine --
The lost Clubfoot Mine --
Milt Hollingsworth's venison lode --
Rico, the enterprise mine, and a short straw --
Stolen bullion of Indian ridge --
The lost Estes Mine --
The lost Carson Mine --
The Baker brothers' peculiar seam in bedrock --
The golden fortune on Timber Hill --
My $40,000 dinner --
The Stewart placer --
The Ute Indians dumped the gold --
Talk and share it --
Martin Hotter's famous rock --
The old Florida Mine --
The cache of gold on Falls Creek
Word about the endpaper map
Golden Treasures of the San Juan contains fabulous stories of lost mines, bullion, and valuable prospects of one of the most beautiful mountain areas of the United States. Many of the stories are based on the personal adventures of author Cornelius.
When the Indian Mountain Lands (the San Juan) were ceded in 1874, the wild region was thrown open to prospectors seeking its gold and silver riches. Many prospects were valuable discoveries, yet were lost and became legendary mines. Further, the Spanish explorers had been through this area much earlier with their bullion, and their caches added to the legends of gold discovered or to be discovered. The authors of this book trace complete stories about these long-lost hoards.
--San Juan Region--Colorado
978.838 Mar 48
Golden treasures of the San Juan John B. Marshall and Temple H. Cornelius - Denver, CO Sage Books 1961 - 235 p
The lost Lone Wold Mine --
The lost Clubfoot Mine --
Milt Hollingsworth's venison lode --
Rico, the enterprise mine, and a short straw --
Stolen bullion of Indian ridge --
The lost Estes Mine --
The lost Carson Mine --
The Baker brothers' peculiar seam in bedrock --
The golden fortune on Timber Hill --
My $40,000 dinner --
The Stewart placer --
The Ute Indians dumped the gold --
Talk and share it --
Martin Hotter's famous rock --
The old Florida Mine --
The cache of gold on Falls Creek
Word about the endpaper map
Golden Treasures of the San Juan contains fabulous stories of lost mines, bullion, and valuable prospects of one of the most beautiful mountain areas of the United States. Many of the stories are based on the personal adventures of author Cornelius.
When the Indian Mountain Lands (the San Juan) were ceded in 1874, the wild region was thrown open to prospectors seeking its gold and silver riches. Many prospects were valuable discoveries, yet were lost and became legendary mines. Further, the Spanish explorers had been through this area much earlier with their bullion, and their caches added to the legends of gold discovered or to be discovered. The authors of this book trace complete stories about these long-lost hoards.
--San Juan Region--Colorado
978.838 Mar 48