Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Tripp, Valerie

Josefina Learns a Lesson A School Story Valerie Tripp ; illustrations, Jean-Paul Tibbles ; vignettes, Susan McAliley. - Middleton, WI Pleasant Co. 1997 - 70 p. col. ill. 23 cm. - The American Girls Collection Book 1 .

"Book two"--P. [1] of cover.

Josefina and her sisters distrust learning to read and write, as well as other changes their Tia Dolores is bringing to the household, because they fear they will lose their memories of their mother.


9781562475178 9781562475161

97003450 /AC

Ranch life--New Mexico--Fiction.
Mexican Americans--Fiction.

New Mexico--History--Fiction.--To 1848

PZ7.T7363 / Jo 1997

jTri 17