Velmans-Van Hessen, Edfrey50
Edith's story: the true story of a young girl's co Edith Velmans. - Large print ed. - Thorndike, Me. : Thorndike Press, 1999. - p. cm.
0786218894 (lg. print : hc. : alk. paper)
Velmans-Van Hessen, Edith, 1925-
Jewish girls--Biography.--Netherlands
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Personal narratives.--Netherlands
DS135.N6 / V4613 1999
940.53/18/092 B
Edith's story: the true story of a young girl's co Edith Velmans. - Large print ed. - Thorndike, Me. : Thorndike Press, 1999. - p. cm.
0786218894 (lg. print : hc. : alk. paper)
Velmans-Van Hessen, Edith, 1925-
Jewish girls--Biography.--Netherlands
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Personal narratives.--Netherlands
DS135.N6 / V4613 1999
940.53/18/092 B