Carlson, Laurie M.
Kids create! Laurie Carlson - Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1999. - 160 p. : ill. ; 23 x 29 cm.
Originally published: Charlotte, Vt. : Williamson Pub. Co., 1990. "A Williamson kids can! book."
A collection of art and craft projects for creative self-expression using readily available materials and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions.
3 - 9 years
0836822323 (lib. bdg.)
98013031 /AC
Handicraft--Juvenile literature.
j745.5 Car 27
Kids create! Laurie Carlson - Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1999. - 160 p. : ill. ; 23 x 29 cm.
Originally published: Charlotte, Vt. : Williamson Pub. Co., 1990. "A Williamson kids can! book."
A collection of art and craft projects for creative self-expression using readily available materials and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions.
3 - 9 years
0836822323 (lib. bdg.)
98013031 /AC
Handicraft--Juvenile literature.
j745.5 Car 27