Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Lathrop, John

Linux desktop starter kit John Lathrop - New York McGraw-Hill c2000. - xix, 696 p. ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)

Preface --
Acknowledgements --
pt. 1. Installation --
Ch. 1. Preparing for the Installation --
Ch. 2. Installing Red Hat Linux --
Ch. 3. Configuring Red Hat Linux for Windows --
Ch. 4. Installing Caldera OpenLinux --
Ch. 5. Configuring Caldera OpenLinux for Windows --
Ch. 6. Installing TurboLinux Workstation 3.6 --
Ch. 7. Installing SuSE Linux 6.1 --
pt. 2. Under the Hood: Linux at the Command Line --
Ch. 8. Command Line Basics --
Ch. 9. Reading and Editing Configuration Files --
Ch. 10. Accessing Drives and Manipulating Files --
Ch. 11. Hooking Up to the Internet --
Ch. 12. X Window and Sound Configuration --
pt. 3. X Window --
Ch. 13. Using Red Hat's Gnome Desktop --
Ch. 14. Using Caldera's KDE Desktop --
Ch. 15. Using TurboLinux's TurboDesk --
pt. 4. Productivity: E-Mail and the Web; Office Suites and Graphics --
Ch. 16. E-Mail and the Web: Netscape Configuration and Use --
Ch. 17. StarOffice Installation and Configuration --
Ch. 18. Word Processing with StarWriter --
Ch. 19. Spreadsheets with StarCalc --
Ch. 20. Presentations with StarImpress --
Ch. 21. Office Suites: The Promise of Corel --
Ch. 22. Graphics and Multimedia --
pt. 5. Guru Status --
Ch. 23. System Management --
Ch. 24. Laptops --
Ch. 25. FTP, DOS, and Kernel Recompiles --
Ch. 26. Home Networking with Linux --
Afterword: Installing Linux by Booting from A Floppy Disk --
Resource Appendix --
Sect. A. BootPrompt-HOWTO --
Sect. B. The Linux Modem-HOWTO --
Sect. C. Linux-Modem --
Sect. D. Sound-HOWTO --
Sect. E. Net3-4-Howto --
Sect. F. Linux IP Masquerade HOWTO --
Sect. G. Diagnosing Your Samba Server.

This is a guide and reference to Red Hat Linux. It is intended to take developers from the basics of applications through to a solid understanding of desktop capabilities.



Operating systems (Computers)

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