The world of mathematics Volume 4 a small library of the literature of mathematics from Aʻh-mosé the scribe to Albert Einstein
Commentaries and notes by James R. Newman
- New York Simon & Schuster 1956
- 2024 - 2469 p.
- The world of mathematics Volume IV .
A mathematician's apology / G.H. Hardy --
Mathematical creation / Henri Poincare --
The mathematician / John von Neumann --
General and logical theory of automata / John von Neumann --
Can a machine think? / A.M. Turing --
A chess-playing machine / Claude Shannon --
Mathematics in warfare / Frederick William Lanchester --
How to hunt a submarine / Phillip M. Morse and George E. Kimball --
Mathematics of aesthetics / George David Birkhoff --
A mathematical approach to ethics / George David Birkhoff --
Cycloid pudding / Jonathan Swift --
Young Archimedes / Aldous Huxley --
Geometry in the South Pacific / Sylvia Townsend Warner --
Inflexible logic / Russell Maloney --
The law / Robert M. Coates --
Mathematics of music / Sir James Jeans --
Meaning of numbers / Oswald Spengler --
Locus of mathematical reality: an anthropological footnote / Leslie A. White --
Assorted paradoxes / Augustus de Morgan --
Flatland / Edwin A. Abbott --
What the tortoise says to Achilles and other riddles / Lewis Carroll --
The lever of Mahomet / Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins --
Pastimes of past and present times / Edward Kasner and James R. Neumann --
Arithmetical restorations / W.W. Rouse Ball --
The seven seven's / W.E.H. Berwick --
Easy mathematics and lawn tennis / T.J. I'A. Bromwich --
Mathematics for golfers / Stephen Leacock --
Common sense and the universe / Stephen Leacock.
This set was designed to make mathematics more accessible to the civilian. It includes non-technical essays and numerous articles.
Collected Works
510.82 Wor 11
A mathematician's apology / G.H. Hardy --
Mathematical creation / Henri Poincare --
The mathematician / John von Neumann --
General and logical theory of automata / John von Neumann --
Can a machine think? / A.M. Turing --
A chess-playing machine / Claude Shannon --
Mathematics in warfare / Frederick William Lanchester --
How to hunt a submarine / Phillip M. Morse and George E. Kimball --
Mathematics of aesthetics / George David Birkhoff --
A mathematical approach to ethics / George David Birkhoff --
Cycloid pudding / Jonathan Swift --
Young Archimedes / Aldous Huxley --
Geometry in the South Pacific / Sylvia Townsend Warner --
Inflexible logic / Russell Maloney --
The law / Robert M. Coates --
Mathematics of music / Sir James Jeans --
Meaning of numbers / Oswald Spengler --
Locus of mathematical reality: an anthropological footnote / Leslie A. White --
Assorted paradoxes / Augustus de Morgan --
Flatland / Edwin A. Abbott --
What the tortoise says to Achilles and other riddles / Lewis Carroll --
The lever of Mahomet / Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins --
Pastimes of past and present times / Edward Kasner and James R. Neumann --
Arithmetical restorations / W.W. Rouse Ball --
The seven seven's / W.E.H. Berwick --
Easy mathematics and lawn tennis / T.J. I'A. Bromwich --
Mathematics for golfers / Stephen Leacock --
Common sense and the universe / Stephen Leacock.
This set was designed to make mathematics more accessible to the civilian. It includes non-technical essays and numerous articles.
Collected Works
510.82 Wor 11