Marsh, Ngaio
Death in a white tie Ngaio Marsh - [S.l.] : Mystery Guild, [1997?] - 259 p. ; 22 cm. - Inspectr Roderick Alleyn Book 7 .
Originally published by Little, Brown and Co., 1938.
Wealthy, charming bon vivant Sir Robert Gospell was a star of London's champagne-and-caviar circuit. Then on the morning after the most glittering ball of the season, someone finds a reason to asphyxiate Gospell in a taxi headed across town. But who would want to kill "Bunchy" Gospel? Chief Inspector Roderick Alleyn of Scotland Yard is called in to investigate the murder of his old frined and to uncover a nefarious scheme that began far from the ballroom floor...
Alleyn, Roderick (Fictitious character)--Fiction.
Mar 30
Death in a white tie Ngaio Marsh - [S.l.] : Mystery Guild, [1997?] - 259 p. ; 22 cm. - Inspectr Roderick Alleyn Book 7 .
Originally published by Little, Brown and Co., 1938.
Wealthy, charming bon vivant Sir Robert Gospell was a star of London's champagne-and-caviar circuit. Then on the morning after the most glittering ball of the season, someone finds a reason to asphyxiate Gospell in a taxi headed across town. But who would want to kill "Bunchy" Gospel? Chief Inspector Roderick Alleyn of Scotland Yard is called in to investigate the murder of his old frined and to uncover a nefarious scheme that began far from the ballroom floor...
Alleyn, Roderick (Fictitious character)--Fiction.
Mar 30