Cooper, Leslie L. frey50
Low-fat living cookbook : skillpower not willpower / by Leslie L. Cooper ; [with foreword by Robert K. Cooper]. - Emmaus, Pa. : [New York] : Rodale Press ; St. Martin's Press [distributor], c1998. - x, 438 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
0875964354 (hardcover : acid-free) 0875964362 (pbk.)
Quick and easy cookery.
Low-fat diet--Recipes.
TX833.5 / .C665 1998
Low-fat living cookbook : skillpower not willpower / by Leslie L. Cooper ; [with foreword by Robert K. Cooper]. - Emmaus, Pa. : [New York] : Rodale Press ; St. Martin's Press [distributor], c1998. - x, 438 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
0875964354 (hardcover : acid-free) 0875964362 (pbk.)
Quick and easy cookery.
Low-fat diet--Recipes.
TX833.5 / .C665 1998