Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

American Environmentalism Greg Barton, book editor. - San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, c2002. - 219 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - American social movements .

Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-212).

The Americans and their landscape -- Nature Americans changed the forests to suit their needs / William Cronon -- Farmers must protect the fertility of the soil / James Madison -- Colonist's views of forests changed over time / Michael Williams -- Mankind is inextricably linked to nature / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Humanity should emulate ancient societies' attitude toward nature / Kirkpatrick Sale -- The preservation and use of nature -- Environmentalists begin to emphasize ecology / Donald Worster -- The environment must be restored and preserved / George Perkins Marsh -- Natural resources must be conserved / Theodore Roosevelt -- The federal government's role in land conservation expands / William G. Robbins -- A new relationship with nature -- Nature is a refuge that must be preserved / John Muir -- Ethics must inform environmental thinking / Aldo Leopold -- Wilderness should be preserved for its own sake / Wallace Stegner -- The green movement -- Evergreen / Gary Snyder -- Global population will reach crisis proportions by 2050 / J. Kenneth Smail -- Small is beautiful / E.F. Schumacher -- Humans must lead ecologically responsible lives / Arne Naess -- Radical activism can help protect the environment / Bill Devall -- Government intervention can help the environment / Al Gore Jr.-- Narratives -- America needs a national park / George Catlin -- Living on Walden Pond / Henry David Thoreau -- The education of a forester / Gifford Pinchot -- Rich land, poor land / Stuart Chase.

0737710438 (pbk : alk. paper) 0737710446 (hb : alk. paper)


Environmentalism--United States.
Conservation of natural resources--United States.

GE197 / .A64 2002
