Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Thackeray, W.M.

The christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh Mrs perkins's ball. Our street Dr. Birch and his young friends Rebecca and Rowena. The kicklebury's on the rhine the rose and the ring William Makepeace Tharkeray - New York Harper & Brothers 1904 - 340 p. - The complete works of William Makepeace Tharkeray 25 Volumes Vol. XVII .

v. 1-2. Vanity fair, a novel without a hero.-v. 3-4. The history of Pendennis, his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy.-v. 5. The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggart diamond. The tremendous adventures of Major Gehagan. Cox's diary. The memoirs of Mr. C.J. Yellowplush.-v. 6. The memoirs of Mr. C.J. Yellowplush. The diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, esq., with his letters. A legend of the Rhines. Character sketchers. The fatal boots. the Bedford-row conspiracy. Going to see a man hanged.-v. 7. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. The Fitz-Boodle papers.-v. 8. The Fitz-Boodle papers. Men's wives. Catherine: a story. the second funeral of Napoleon.-v. 9. The Paris sketch book. The Irish sketch book of 1842.-v. 11. Contributions to Punch: Miss Tickletoby's lectures on English history. papers by the fat contributor. Miscellaneous contributions to "Punch". Verses. The history of the next French revolution. Little travels and road-side sketches. The book of snobs.-v. 12. The book of snobs. Novels by eminent hands. Sketches and travels in London. A little dinner at Timmin's. Caricatures.-v. 13. The history of Henry Esmond, esq.-v. 14. The history of Henry Esmond, esq. The lectures: The English humourists. The four Georges. Charity and humour.-v. 15- 16. The Newcomes, memoirs of a most respectable family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq.-v. 17. The Christmas books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh, etc.: Mrs. Perkins's ball. Our street. Dr. Birch and his young friends. Rebecca and Rowena. The Kicklebury's on the Rhine. The rose and the ring.-v. 18-19. The Virginians, a tale of the last century.-v. 20. A shabby geneel story. The adventures of Phillip.-v. 21. The adventures of Phillip.-v. 22. The wolves and the lamb. Lovel the widower. Roundabout papers.-v. 23. Roundabout papers. Denis Duval.

v. 24. Ballads and critical reviews.-v. 25. Various essays, letters, sketches, etc. The life of W.M. Thackeray (1811-1863), by Leslie Stephen (reprinted from the "Dictionary of national biography"). A bibliography of the works of W.M. Thackeray. Index. Mrs. Perkins's ball.--
Our street.--
Dr. Birch and his young friends.--
Rebecca and Rowena, A romance upon romance --
The Kickleburys on the Rhine.--
The rose and the ring



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