Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Ruskin, John frey50

The poems of John Ruskin by John Ruskin - New York Longmans, Green, and Company 1906 - The works of John Ruskin 39 2 .

Ruskin's coat of arms in gilt on front cover. Each volume also has special t.p.

39 volumes fronts (some color) illustrations, plates (some color, part mounted) portraits, plans, facsimiles (some folded) diagrams 26 cm Contents: v. 1. Early prose writing -- v. 2. Poems -- v. 3. Modern painters of general principles and of truth -- v. 4. Modern painters of the imaginative and theoretic faculties -- v. 5. Modern painters of many things -- v. 6. Modern painters of mountain beauty -- v. 7. Modern painters of leaf beauty. Of cloud beauty. Of ideas of relation. Of ideas of relation (part 2) -- v. 8. The seven lamps of architecture -- v. 9. The stones of Venice, the foundations -- v. 10. The stones of Venice, the sea-stories -- v. 11. The stones of Venice, the fall and examples of the architecture of Venice -- v. 12. Lectures on architecture and painting (Edinburgh, 1853) -- v. 13. Turner. The harbours of England. -- v. 14. Academy notes on prout and hunt and other art criticisms, 1855-1888 -- v. 15. The elements of drawing, the elements of perspective, and the laws of Fesole -- v. 16. "A Joy for Ever" and two paths with letters on the Oxford Museum and various addresses, 1856-1860 -- v. 17. Unto this last Munera Pulveris time and tide with other writings on political economy, 1860-1873 -- v. 18. Sesame and lilies. The ethics of the dust. The crown of wild olive, 1859-1866 -- v. 19. The cestus of Aglaia and The Queen of the air, 1860-1870 -- v. 20. Lectures on art and Aratra Pentelici, with lectures and notes on Greek art and mythology, 1870 -- v. 21. The Ruskin art collection at Oxford -- v. 22. Lectures on landscape, Michael Angelo & Tintoret. The Eagle's Nest. Ariadne Florentina -- v. 23. Val D'Arno. The schools of Florence. Mornings in Florence. The Shepherd's Tower -- v. 24. Giotto and his works in Padua. The Cavalli monuments, Verona. Guide to the academy, Venice. St. Mark's rest -- v. 25. Love's Meinie. Proserpina -- v. 26. Deucalion, and other studies in rocks and stones -- v. 27-29. Fors Clavigera, letters -- v. 30. The Guild and museum of St. George -- v. 31. Bibliotheca Pastorum: the economist of Xenophon. Rock Honeycomb. The element's of prosody. A knight's faith -- v. 32. Studies of peasant life: the story of Ida. Roadside songs of Tuscany. Christ's folk in the Apennine. Ulric the farm servant -- v. 33. The Bible of Amiens. Valle Crucis. The art of England. The pleasures of England -- v. 34. The storm-cloud of the nineteenth century. On the old road. Arrows of the Chace. Ruskiniana -- v. 35. Praeterita. Dilecta -- v. 36-37. The letters of John Ruskin -- v. 38. Bibliography. Catalogue of Ruskin's drawings. Addenda et corrigenda -- v. 39. General index.

"Two thousand and sixty-two copies of this edition--of which two thousand are for sale in England and America--have been printed at the Ballantyne press, Edinburgh, and the type has been distributed."

Ruskin, John 1819-1900

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