Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Moore, Thomas frey50

Poems by Thomas Moore - New York The Co-Operative Publication Society ND - 377 p. - A book lover's library of poetical literature 2 Vol. 1 .

Includes biographical sketch

Advertisement; After the battle; Alarming intelligence; Aleiphron: A fragment Letter: I., II., III., IV.; All in the family way; All that's bright must fade; Almighty God; Alone in crowds to wander on; Amatory collaquy between bank and government; Anacreon odes: I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI. XXII., XXIII., XXIV., XXXV., XXXVI., XXXVII., XXXIX., XL., XLI., XLII.,XLIII., XLIV., XLV., XLVII., XLVIII., XLIX. L., LI., LII., LIII., LIV., LVI., LVII., LVIII., LIX., LX., LXI., LXII., LXIII., LXIV., LXV., LXVI., LXVII., LXVIII., LXIX., LXX., LXXI., LXXII., LXXIII., LXXIV., LXXV., LXXVI., LXXVIII; Anacreontic 46.; Anacreontic 56; Anacreontic 59.; Anacreontic 61; Anacreontic 599; And doth not a meeting like this; Angel of charity; Animal magnetism; Anne Boleyn; Announcement of New Grand Acceleration company; Announcement of a new Thalaba; Annual pill; Anticipated meeting of the British Association in the year 1836; As a beam o'er the face of the waters may glow; As down in the sunless retreats; Ask not if still I love; Aspasia; As slow our ship; As vanquished Erin; At night; At the mid hour of night; Avenging and bright; Awake, arise, they light is come; Awful event; Ballad; Ballad for the combridge election; Ballad Stanzas; Beauty and song; Before the battle; Behold the sun; Believe me, if all those endearing young charms; Black and blue eyes; Blue love song; Boat glee; Boy of the alps; Boy statesman; Bright be thy dreams; Bright moon; Bring the bright Garlands hither; Brunswick club; But who shall see; By that lake, whose gloomy shore; Calm be thy sleep; Canadian boat song; Canonization of Saint butterworth; Captain rock in London; Case of Libel; Catalogue; Cephalus and procris; Characterless; Cherries; Child's song--from a masque; Church extension; Cloris and fanny; Cocker, on chruch reform; Come, chase that startling tear away; Come not, oh Lord; Come o'er the sea; Come, play me that simple air again; Come rest in this bosom; Come send round the wine; Come ye disconsolate; Common sense and genius; Consultation; Copy of an intercepted despatch; Corn and catholics; Corrected report of some late speeches; Correspondence between a lady and gentleman; Corruption an epistle; Cotton and corn; Country dance and quedrille; Crystal hunters; Cupid and psyche; Cupid armed; Cupid lottery; Curious fact; Dance of Bishops; Dawn is breaking o'er us; Day dream; Day of love; Dear fanny; Dear harp of my country; Dear? Yes; Desmond's song; Devil amoun the scholars; Dialogue between a sovereign and a one pound note; Dick ****; Did not; Dog day reflection; Donkey and his panniers; Do not say that life is waning; Dost thou remember; Dream; Dreaming for ever; Dream of antiquity; Dream of hindostan; Dream of home; Dream of the two sisters; Dream of those days; Dream of turtle; Dreams; Drink of this cup; Drink to her; Duke is the lad; Dying warrior; East Indian; Echo; Elegiac stanzas; Elegiac Stanzas; Enigma; Epilogue; Epistle from captian Rock to Lord Cicero in the shades; Epistle from Henry of Exeter to John of Tuam; Epistle from tom crib to big ben; Epistle of Con

Moore, Thomas 1779-1852

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