Harding, Bertita
Golden Fleece the story of Franz Joseph & Elisabeth of Austria Bertita Harding - Indianapolis, NY Bobbs-Merrill Company Publishers 1937 - 370 p.
The story of the last emperor and empress of Austria.
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 1830-1916
Elisabeth, Empress, consort of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 1837-1898.
943.60440922 Har 15
Golden Fleece the story of Franz Joseph & Elisabeth of Austria Bertita Harding - Indianapolis, NY Bobbs-Merrill Company Publishers 1937 - 370 p.
The story of the last emperor and empress of Austria.
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 1830-1916
Elisabeth, Empress, consort of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 1837-1898.
943.60440922 Har 15