20160731 frey50
The Light of the Past - New York American Heritage 1959 - 288 p.
Homer's age of heroes / by C.M. Bowra -- From the classic Earth -- Man's first murals / by James Mellaart -- The time of man / by Loren Eiseley -- Cave-dwelling carvers / by Jean Perrot -- O ye daughters of sumer! / by Samuel Noah Kramer -- Before the Argo / by Geoffrey Bibby -- The old world's peculiar institution / by M.I. Finley -- The two worlds of Alexander / by C.A. Robinson, Jr. -- The year one / by M.I. Finley -- Portraiture on Roman coins / by Michael Grant -- Gislebertus hoc fecit / by Fernand Auberjonois -- Richard and Saladin / by Alfred Duggan -- The education of Renaissance man / by Iris Origo -- The bad bishop's book of love songs -- Pascal / by Morris Bishop -- The persecution of witches / by H.R. Trevor-Roper -- Francis Bacon / by Loren Eiseley -- The minister's fatal showplace / by William Harlan Hale -- Africa: the face behind the mask / by Basil Davidson -- The image of the white man / by John Maas -- The pleasures of the Bastille / by J. Christopher Herold -- The disappearance of Don Juan / by Henry Anatole Grunwald -- In the light of the sun / by Arthur C. Clarke -- From Eden to the nightmare / by Henry Anatole Grunwald -- The survival of records / by Gilbert Highet -- I shall not look upon his like again / by Max Brandel -- Misuses of the past / by Herbert J. Muller.
Twenty-eight illustrated articles from Horizon on the Trojan Wars, ancient Sumer, Alexander's world, Roman coins, Elizabethan England, the Crusades, Africa, Japan and the Bastille.
901.9 Lig 15
The Light of the Past - New York American Heritage 1959 - 288 p.
Homer's age of heroes / by C.M. Bowra -- From the classic Earth -- Man's first murals / by James Mellaart -- The time of man / by Loren Eiseley -- Cave-dwelling carvers / by Jean Perrot -- O ye daughters of sumer! / by Samuel Noah Kramer -- Before the Argo / by Geoffrey Bibby -- The old world's peculiar institution / by M.I. Finley -- The two worlds of Alexander / by C.A. Robinson, Jr. -- The year one / by M.I. Finley -- Portraiture on Roman coins / by Michael Grant -- Gislebertus hoc fecit / by Fernand Auberjonois -- Richard and Saladin / by Alfred Duggan -- The education of Renaissance man / by Iris Origo -- The bad bishop's book of love songs -- Pascal / by Morris Bishop -- The persecution of witches / by H.R. Trevor-Roper -- Francis Bacon / by Loren Eiseley -- The minister's fatal showplace / by William Harlan Hale -- Africa: the face behind the mask / by Basil Davidson -- The image of the white man / by John Maas -- The pleasures of the Bastille / by J. Christopher Herold -- The disappearance of Don Juan / by Henry Anatole Grunwald -- In the light of the sun / by Arthur C. Clarke -- From Eden to the nightmare / by Henry Anatole Grunwald -- The survival of records / by Gilbert Highet -- I shall not look upon his like again / by Max Brandel -- Misuses of the past / by Herbert J. Muller.
Twenty-eight illustrated articles from Horizon on the Trojan Wars, ancient Sumer, Alexander's world, Roman coins, Elizabethan England, the Crusades, Africa, Japan and the Bastille.
901.9 Lig 15