20160731 frey50
Poverty and the homeless / Mary E. Williams, book editor. - San Diego : Greenhaven Press, c2004. - 186 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Current controversies .
Poverty and inequality are serious problems in the United States / Homelessness is a serious problem / Life for the working poor is exceptionally difficult / Child poverty has decreased / difficulties of the working poor are overstated / Broken families and single parenthood contribute to poverty / Single mothers are unfairly blamed for poverty / Personal irresponsibility causes poverty / Unjust government policies contribute to poverty / American immigration policy contributes to poverty / variety of social factors causes homelessness / Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill contributes to homelessness / Welfare reform benefits single mothers / Welfare reform is a success / media downplay the benefits of welfare reform / Welfare reform has not helped the poor / Welfare reform has not reduced poverty / Welfare reform will add to the ranks of the homeless / Promoting marriage would reduce poverty / Promoting marriage would not reduce poverty / affluent should give a large portion of their income to the poor / affluent should not give money to the poor / Increased access to shelters would help the homeless / Handouts often harm the homeless / Charity means you don't pick and choose / Holly Sklar -- Silja J.A. Talvi -- Barbara Ehrenreich, Robert E. Rector -- Larry Schweikart -- Patrick F. Fagan -- Lori Holyfield -- Blake Hurst -- Colette Jay -- Samuel Francis -- National Coalition for the Homeless -- Ed Marciniak -- Christopher Jencks -- George W. Bush -- Richard Noyes -- Evelyn Z. Brodkin -- Angie O'Gorman -- Paul Freese Jr., Sacha Klein-Martin -- Robert E. Rector Paul Street -- Peter Singer -- Walter Williams -- Ralph da Costa Nunez and Laura M. Caruso -- Amy L. Sherman -- Patricia O'Hara. interviewed by Multinational Monitor -- The A The et al. -- The The
0737723106 : alk. paper) 0737723106 (lib. : alk. paper)
Homelessness--United States.
Poverty--United States.
y362.50973 Pov 52
Poverty and the homeless / Mary E. Williams, book editor. - San Diego : Greenhaven Press, c2004. - 186 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Current controversies .
Poverty and inequality are serious problems in the United States / Homelessness is a serious problem / Life for the working poor is exceptionally difficult / Child poverty has decreased / difficulties of the working poor are overstated / Broken families and single parenthood contribute to poverty / Single mothers are unfairly blamed for poverty / Personal irresponsibility causes poverty / Unjust government policies contribute to poverty / American immigration policy contributes to poverty / variety of social factors causes homelessness / Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill contributes to homelessness / Welfare reform benefits single mothers / Welfare reform is a success / media downplay the benefits of welfare reform / Welfare reform has not helped the poor / Welfare reform has not reduced poverty / Welfare reform will add to the ranks of the homeless / Promoting marriage would reduce poverty / Promoting marriage would not reduce poverty / affluent should give a large portion of their income to the poor / affluent should not give money to the poor / Increased access to shelters would help the homeless / Handouts often harm the homeless / Charity means you don't pick and choose / Holly Sklar -- Silja J.A. Talvi -- Barbara Ehrenreich, Robert E. Rector -- Larry Schweikart -- Patrick F. Fagan -- Lori Holyfield -- Blake Hurst -- Colette Jay -- Samuel Francis -- National Coalition for the Homeless -- Ed Marciniak -- Christopher Jencks -- George W. Bush -- Richard Noyes -- Evelyn Z. Brodkin -- Angie O'Gorman -- Paul Freese Jr., Sacha Klein-Martin -- Robert E. Rector Paul Street -- Peter Singer -- Walter Williams -- Ralph da Costa Nunez and Laura M. Caruso -- Amy L. Sherman -- Patricia O'Hara. interviewed by Multinational Monitor -- The A The et al. -- The The
0737723106 : alk. paper) 0737723106 (lib. : alk. paper)
Homelessness--United States.
Poverty--United States.
y362.50973 Pov 52