Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Thurber, James frey50

Let your mind alone! And other more or less inspirational pieces James Thurber - New York Harper & Brothers Publishers 1937 - 245 p.

Part 1 Pythagoras and the ladder Destructive forces in life The case for the daydreamer A dozen disciplines How to adjust yourself to your work Anodynes for Anxieties The conscious vs. the unconscious Sex ex machina Sample intelligence test Miscellaneous mentation Part II The breaking up of the winships My memories of D. H. Lawrence The case against women No standing room only Nine needles A couple of hamburgers The case of the laughing butler Bateman comes home Footnotes on a cours of study Remembrance ot hings past Something about Polk Aisle seats in the mind Suli Suli An outline of scientists Highball flags Mrs. Phelps Guns and game calls The hiding generation Wild Bird Hickok and his friends Doc Marlowe Food fun for the menfolk Goodby, Mr. O Charles Meyer What are the leftists saying? How to write and autobiography After the steppe cat, what? Women go on forever The wood duck The admiral on the wheel

American wit and humor

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