Adams, Simon
The Balkans Simon Adams and Michael Gallagher - North Mankato, Minn. : Smart Apple Media, 2004 - 44 p. - Flashpoints .
Includes index.
Introduction --
Early history --
Ottoman rule --
Start of the "eastern question" --
Redrawing the map --
End of Ottoman rule --
World War I --
Balkans between the wars --
World War II --
Coming of communism --
Yugoslavia and Albania --
Postwar Greece --
End of communism --
Breakup of Yugoslavia --
Bosnia --
Kosovo --
Balkans today --
Glossary --
Chronicles the upheavals that have made this part of southeastern Europe a battleground for centuries.
Balkan Peninsula--History--Juvenile literature
Former Yugoslav republics--History--Juvenile literature.
j949.6 Ada 29
The Balkans Simon Adams and Michael Gallagher - North Mankato, Minn. : Smart Apple Media, 2004 - 44 p. - Flashpoints .
Includes index.
Introduction --
Early history --
Ottoman rule --
Start of the "eastern question" --
Redrawing the map --
End of Ottoman rule --
World War I --
Balkans between the wars --
World War II --
Coming of communism --
Yugoslavia and Albania --
Postwar Greece --
End of communism --
Breakup of Yugoslavia --
Bosnia --
Kosovo --
Balkans today --
Glossary --
Chronicles the upheavals that have made this part of southeastern Europe a battleground for centuries.
Balkan Peninsula--History--Juvenile literature
Former Yugoslav republics--History--Juvenile literature.
j949.6 Ada 29