Miller, Russell. frey50
Continents in collision / by Russell Miller and the editors of Time-Life Books. - Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, c1983. - 176 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. - Planet earth .
0809443244 : 9780809443246 0809443252 (lib. bdg.) 9780809443253 (lib. bdg.)
Plate tectonics.
Earth--Internal structure.
j551.136 Mil 25
Continents in collision / by Russell Miller and the editors of Time-Life Books. - Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, c1983. - 176 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. - Planet earth .
0809443244 : 9780809443246 0809443252 (lib. bdg.) 9780809443253 (lib. bdg.)
Plate tectonics.
Earth--Internal structure.
j551.136 Mil 25