Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Eberhart, Richard frey50

Shifts of being Poems of home, street, love and the the wonders of life. by Richard Eberhart - New York Oxford University Press 1968 - 88 p.

Words; the standards; The birth of the spirit; Extremity; "My brains are slipping in the fields of eros"; Refrains; To Harriet Monroe; New love; "When nature lies asleep"; "Whenever I see beauty I see death"; The come-on; The abscent; The tomb by the sea with cars going by; Recognition; Gestures rich in purpose; The rolling eye; Against the wood thrush; Opulence; Memory; The vastness and indifference of the world; Cliff; White night of the soul; Hill dream of youth, thirty years later; Why?; The symbol; The immortal type; R.G.E.; Boston; To the field mice; Mexico Phantasmagoria; The winds; To my students, killed in a car crash; To the mad poets; An open gate; Bail game; The enigma; The wild swans of inverane; the heystack; Santa Claus in Oaxaca; Thoor Ballylee; Looking head on; Solace; Evil; Marrakech; Lions copulating; The mastery; The ides of march; A wedding on cape rosier; On returning to a lake in spring; The explorer on main street; Love Pieces; Swiss new year; Trying to read through my writing; Sanders theater; Outwitting the trees


American Poetry
Poetry --20th century

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