Nathanson, Rick
Ghosts as Guests Psychic Visits Spirits who Linger at Hotel Rick Nathanson - Albuquerque, NM Albuq. Journal October 29, 1989 - 3 p Newspaper Article
Mater List Item # 12
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Newspaper article + Photographs 1)Crystal Ball 2) Chain-smoking psychic 3)Jacque Littlejohn Cooley
This article is about Psychic Jacque Littlejohn Cooley visiting the St. James Hotel and talking with its ghosts.
Cooley, Jacque Littlejohn
Wright, Jesse (James)
Sitzberger, Ed
Sitzberger, Pat
Wright, T. J.
Woody the Imp
Lambert, Mary
Lambert, Henri
Griego, Pancho
Allison, Clay
Masterson, Bat
Earp, Wyatt
St. James Hotel
Paranormal Investigations
Psychic Walk Through
Business History
Card Games
Haunted Hotels
Psychic Readings
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Colfax County - Locations - Saint James Hotel 36
Ghosts as Guests Psychic Visits Spirits who Linger at Hotel Rick Nathanson - Albuquerque, NM Albuq. Journal October 29, 1989 - 3 p Newspaper Article
Mater List Item # 12
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Newspaper article + Photographs 1)Crystal Ball 2) Chain-smoking psychic 3)Jacque Littlejohn Cooley
This article is about Psychic Jacque Littlejohn Cooley visiting the St. James Hotel and talking with its ghosts.
Cooley, Jacque Littlejohn
Wright, Jesse (James)
Sitzberger, Ed
Sitzberger, Pat
Wright, T. J.
Woody the Imp
Lambert, Mary
Lambert, Henri
Griego, Pancho
Allison, Clay
Masterson, Bat
Earp, Wyatt
St. James Hotel
Paranormal Investigations
Psychic Walk Through
Business History
Card Games
Haunted Hotels
Psychic Readings
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Colfax County - Locations - Saint James Hotel 36