Bird's-eye view of Raton, New Mexico, From Goat Hill
- Albuquerque, New Mexico Southwest post card Co.
Master List item # 24
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Postcard: Raton, 6,666 feet above sea level nestles at the foot of the pass. The traveler making the descent is thrilled to see the modern, thriving city one thousand feet below him.
Raton --History
Raton --Biography
Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico-Raton-Description and Travel 36
Master List item # 24
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Postcard: Raton, 6,666 feet above sea level nestles at the foot of the pass. The traveler making the descent is thrilled to see the modern, thriving city one thousand feet below him.
Raton --History
Raton --Biography
Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico-Raton-Description and Travel 36