Reunion held
- Raton, New Mexico Raton Range September 10,1985
- 1 p. Newspaper Article
Master list item #: 8
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Newspaper Article on a five generation reunion Between Henrietta Maes and father Martin Borquez visited.
Maes, henrietta
Borquez, Martin
Maes, Mary Louise
Maes, Leroy Sr.
Maes, Leroy Jr.
Local History
Life and Customs
Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Biographies - Reunions 36
Master list item #: 8
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Newspaper Article on a five generation reunion Between Henrietta Maes and father Martin Borquez visited.
Maes, henrietta
Borquez, Martin
Maes, Mary Louise
Maes, Leroy Sr.
Maes, Leroy Jr.
Local History
Life and Customs
Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Biographies - Reunions 36