Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

E.Kelly & Livia Mora celebrated their golden wedding anniversary - Raton, New Mexico Raton Range April 3, 1990 - 1p Newspaper Article

Master list item #: 48

File location is in the Raton File Cabinet

Newspaper Article on the 50th Anniversary of E. Kelly and Livia Mora.

Mora, E. Kelly
Mora, Livia
Cooper, Nancy
Mora, Kelly D.
Mora, Patricia
Callaway, Gerald
Callaway, Ann
Callaway, D. Jack
Munden, Franklin
Munden, Tessie
Arcangeli, Emma
Scott, Eva Mary
Schulte, Erma
Yob, Modesta
Callaway, Eleanor
Rosenfield, Bob
Rosenfield, Evelyn
Brister, William W.
Hunten, Randy
Hunten, (Mrs.)
Hunten, Randy Jr.
Prather, Ralph
Prather, (Mrs.)
Mascarenas, Joe
Mascarenas, (Mrs.)
Lujan, Lisa
Giganti, Carmalo
Hoskins, Al
Olona, Edward
Olona, (Mrs)
Romero, Daniel
Romer, (Mrs.)
Romero, Maurice
Lytle, Mary
Quartieri, Lino
Codlin, Robert
Roper, Jim

Holiday Inn

Local History
Life and Customs

Raton, New Mexico
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Amarillo, Texas
La Junta, Colorado
Cleveland, New Mexico
Springer, Colorado
Maxwell, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities & Towns - Raton - Biography Anniversaries 36