A man of destiny Winston Churchill
by the editors of Country Beautiful.
- Waukesha, Wisconsin Country Beautiful Foundation, Inc. 1965
- 96 p. :
Introduction, by M. Thomson.--A Churchill anthology.--Painting as a pastime, an essay by W. S. Churchill and a selection of his paintings.--Epilogue: Tributes to Winston S. Churchill on his death.
Churchill, Winston S. 1874-1965
History Great Britain --20th Century
j941.084092 Man 29
Introduction, by M. Thomson.--A Churchill anthology.--Painting as a pastime, an essay by W. S. Churchill and a selection of his paintings.--Epilogue: Tributes to Winston S. Churchill on his death.
Churchill, Winston S. 1874-1965
History Great Britain --20th Century
j941.084092 Man 29